Pasionate career

Under the baton of Yehudi Menuhin

In 1990 he toured with the celebrated conductor

The guitarist has decided playing with orchestra. And at that precise moment, as it couldn’t be a different way, he runs up with one of the most prestigious conductors of all times: Lord Yehudi Menuhin (1916-1999). “He was an incredible musician that always gave very good advices to the orchestras so they would be able to improve their interpretation”. In 1989 Rolando goes forward the 50th anniversary of the Concierto de Aranjuez and performs it 100 times during the year. This is, probably, one of his preferred pieces, and the artist maintains a solid romance with it that’s transmitted to the audience that goes seeing the concert. In 1990 he develops a tour with the famous conductor plenty of stories and unforgettable emotions for everyone that was there. “The relationship with Menuhin was, for my surprise, very natural, almost magical, it was very easy meeting musically with the maestro. But I also must underlay the huge musicality of Alberto Lysy with whom I prepared the program. It was an interpretation lesson” says Saad.